Thursday, September 24, 2009

Thing #1 - 7 1/2 Habits of Successful Lifelong Learners

All of my life I have been witness to a person who embodies the very essence of and must be the the living definition for a successful lifelong learner: my mother. She is constantly learning new things and equipping herself with new strategies and skills. Her lift of hobbies is long and widely varied. My sister and I were long ago engrained with the notion that there is an infinite amount of learning and knowledge to be gained. This was not a formal lesson taught around the family dinner table but an informal lesson lived out by example each day. While my mother does indeed practice the 7 1/2 habits mentioned, I think the catalyst for her learning in her innate and insatiable natural curiosity. I have been able to nurture and value my own curiosity having had the good fortune to watch my mother live as a successful lifelong learner following her own curiosity.

The most challenging of the 7 1/2 habits for me is viewing problems as challenges. Problems/challenges=same difference. In my mind, the word challenge has the same negative connotation that the word problem does. Instead of challenge, I'll have to save I will view problems as learning experiences. A rose by any other name.....yada, yada, yada.

The easiest will be using technology to my advantage. I genuinely like technology and am fairly well versed in most of it. Computers have not always been a part of my life, but I have spent enough time with them to have made up for the lost years.

Playing if the habit I think is the most important but most overlooked, at least by me. I think I work too much and place too much of an importance on it. I need to step back from my self-imposed obligations and let myself play more. Got to bend before you break.

Come on Web 2.0-23 Things. What do you have in store for me?

1 comment:

  1. What a nice tribute to your mom! She must be proud, but it's great you recognize your love of learning came from watching her. I think you're going to enjoy "playing" as you learn many new "things"!
